You are X, the most advanced robot every built by humankind. But while building you... we ran out parts. Now armed with only one input, prove to us that one input is all you need!!!

Mouse - Use this to drag the circuits and the X key around.

X --> Function Button.

Q / W --> Rotate Circuits Left.

E / R --> Rotate Cicuirts Right.

ESC --> Restart level if there are any bugs

Music was done by Cao Lê Hoàng (  This game was made for the New Year, New Skills Game Jam run in 2024.

I followed along with this tutorial by HeartBeast and used the tile map as well as a lot of the code just from following along:



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I really like the concept of this one! If you were going to build upon it, maybe there could be 'moving' obstacles, so you need to swap out quickly? Balancing it so that the obstacles aren't too fast for the player to switch would make this a bit hard though.

Thank you! Yea I ran out of time before the jam ended but I was hoping to add enemies, moving platforms, an attack and a second input key which would be introduced later in the game.